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"But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them written to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written."


John 21:25


Corner stone from our original church and it translates to "German Lutheran St Andrew's Church, 1883"



The volumes of the history of Christianity which include peoples beliefs and stories in all times and all places would as the Gospel notes is a monumental task. The history or his-story of the St. Andrew's United Church of Christ, is a small grain of sand in the greater history of Christianity. However infinitesimal, it has its place in the community and in the lives of those who helped write the history. This is a thumbnail sketch of our story.


St. Andrew's United Church of Christ (UCC) is proud of its long history that has deep roots and connections in the Dexter community. The church was founded in March of 1883 by German families that had settled in the Dexter area and was known as the German Evangelical Church, which combined the Evangelical and Lutheran traditions. By October of 1883, a church building was constructed on "Piety Hill," which is our current location. In 1934, the Evangelical Synod (changed from German Evangelical in 1927) merged with the Reformed Church of the United States to become the Evangelical and Reformed (E & R).  


In 1957, the E & R Church merged with the Congregational Church and became known as the United Church of Christ (UCC). As the congregation grew, there was a need for a larger church. In 1974, the old wood frame church building (pictured here) was sold and moved across the street and now houses the Dexter Area Museum. The lovely brick church was built on the site of the old church and opened for services in September of 1974.


The roots go deep, but more important than deep roots, is a hope that looks forward and is anchored in the future. We are a deeply hope-filled people and put our money on tomorrow. As St Paul writes, "Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it on my own, but his one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus."    (Philippians 3:13-14) 


St. Andrew’s continues to look forward to Revealing Jesus Christ in its life together as we strive to be light and salt in this dark and broken world.


A non-abridged version of
our history is also available.


Please contact the church office
at 734.426.8610.

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7610 Ann Arbor Street

Dexter, MI 48130


(734) 426-8610

The Church office is open
9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. Friday unless otherwise



© 2019 by St. Andrew's United Church of Christ. Proudly created with

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