Mission & Outreach
Though there are other programs that St. Andrew’s supports, the following represents a few of the annually supported programs.
Crop Walk Held the 1st Sunday in October and occurs in Dexter or Chelsea in alternating years. The program provides food, clean water and essential tools and resources to help those in need to be self-sustaining. To maintain social distancing and safety this year, walkers should plan on wearing masks. There will not be an official large group starting time or post group gathering this year. If you are more comfortable walking on another day, or in another place, that is fine. Maps with the designated routes are available on the Sanctuary table and attached to worship materials.
Operation Christmas Child This is a program that collects shoeboxes filled with gifts and delivers them to children in need around the world, as well as within the United States.
Faith in Action Dexter & Chelsea
Is a community funded, faith based assistance and resource center with locations in Chelsea and Dexter, Michigan. Throughout the year we support FIA in various ways. We have monthly Food Drives. In the fall we support local students with a book bag, supplies and additional cash. During the Christmas season we collect hats, mittens and scarfs, along with hygiene products.
The Thrift Shop New to St. Andrew's, the Donation-based Thrift Shop helps to raise funds for St. Andrew's various community charities by providing gently used treasures to people looking for fun finds!
Piecemakers Quilters A group of local people who work hard doing all kinds of projects: making quilts for the Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Mott Children’s Hospital and Alpha House. Baby quilts are also made for families of veterans. We meet Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 am and are always looking for new people of any skill level, to join the group! For questions or to learn more, contact the Church by phone or email.