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- About Us | St Andrew's United Church of Christ -Dexter | United States
About Us Mission Statement Passionate in Community – Growing in Faith – Serving in Christ's Name Worship Rev. Larry Van Slambrook “Draw near to God and God will draw near to you”…Worship is an act that we engage in to draw near to God and to declare that the living Triune God — Father, Son, and Spirit — is worthy of praise, adoration and gratitude. We enter the worship service with reverence and joy. Worship is central in our life at St. Andrew’s. Our approach to worship is traditional, but with an openness to the Spirit’s leading in different forms. Music is generally lead by the organ, but other kinds of instrumentation like flute, saxophone and dulcimer are incorporated as well. The Chancel Choir offers a Ministry of Music during worship from September to June. The goal is to be faithful, not fanciful or faddish in our approach to God. Communion is celebrated on the first Sunday of the month and is open to all who wish to know the presence of Christ and share in the community of God’s people. Elders Bob Anderson Marie Proulx Andy Koran Ray Lowery Carol Jones Church Leadership Deacons Thelma Bertonaschi Judie Dioszegi Bill Sumner Karen McIlroy Elaine Milbocker Meet Our Staff Re. Larry Van Slambrook Pastor Larry was called into ministry in the midst of a teaching career at Eastern Michigan University. In answer to God’s call he left teaching and attended United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, graduating with a Master of Divinity degree. Since then he has served as the lead pastor of churches in Michigan and Ohio. He has also been involved in mission outreaches to the island of Dominica, Brazil, Argentina and Mexico. He is an ordained member of the Missionary Church. Pastor Larry sees himself as a servant of the Lord, empowered by the Holy Spirit to proclaim the truth of God’s Word. He seeks to be God’s instrument in bringing others into a relationship with Jesus and helping them grow in that relationship as His followers! He and his wife, Cora, are greatly blessed to serve the Lord here at St. Andrew’s! Paula Allison-England Paula Allison-England is the Music Director and Organist for St. Andrews United Church of Christ. She prepares our choir’s sacred music for Sunday services, seasonal music during the liturgical calendar, special music for the handbell choir, and special numbers for instrumental and vocal soloists. Music is a valued gift for each of us by sharing the beauty and joy of this form of worship. Paula received her BS in Music Education (organ) at DePauw University, living in Oxford, England for over two years. She has served as Organist and Handbell Choir Director at Saline United Methodist Church while teaching piano students. Before taking the position of Organist at St. Andrews, she earned a BS in Nursing and worked as a Staff Nurse at Mott Children’s Hospital and the Unit for Clinical Research at the University of Michigan. During her tenure as organist, she continued to work in the medical field until retiring. Vocal and instrumental music are a constant in her life. Currently, and for many years, she has sung with the University Choral Union which is an auditioned choir which performs large works from diverse repertoires and performs with excellent orchestras at Hill Auditorium, Michigan Theater, Orchestra Hall, Peristyle Auditorium and Carnegie Hall. Heida Meister Heida Meister manages the day-to-day business of the church -- everything from accounting and scheduling to preparing bulletins and circulating news to the congregation. She is always ready to answer a question or lend a hand.
- Home | St Andrews Dexter
"Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me; for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 Greetings to those of you who are visiting this website. St. Andrew’s United Church of Christ in Dexter, Michigan, is a Christ centered church for all people. It is our prayerful hope that if you are seeking a people and place for a spiritual home that God just might be calling you to this congregation. The navigation bar will help inform you of our life together in Christ at St. Andrew’s, but better than reading our website, please come and be with us in worship on any Sunday morning at 10 am. The door always swings open! Woman's Bible Study is every Wednesday at 1 pm. We accept food donations for Faith in Action to help the less fortunate. If interested, please contact the church. WORSHIP HOURS Join us for worship every Sunday at 10AM COFFEE HOUR Join us for an informal gathering of friends with refreshments following worship every Sunday! Our Fellowship Hall is available for rent to local non-profits. Please contact the church office at 734.426.8610 or for information.
- Piece Makers Quilt Sale | St Andrews Dexter
Piece Makers Quilt Sale The Piecemakers quilters and stitchers have a number of quilts and sewn items available for purchase. If you are interested in any of the items pictured in the galleries below, please contact the church office . Quilts Puppy Quilt Leaves and Flowers Chickens Rainbow Frogs Pinwheel Kitchen Items Green Floral Potato Bag ZigZag Potato Bag Red Flower Potato Bag Russet Potato Bag Cork-Grain Potato Bag White Flower Pot Holder Set Pink Flower Pocket Pot Holder Snowman Pocket Pot Holder Orange Flower Pocket Pot Holder Pink Flower Cherries Pocket Pot Holder Doll Clothes Blue Brush Doll Dress Blue Floral Doll Dress & Jacket Periwinkle Doll Dress & Jacket Flower Button Doll Dress Music Doll Dress Flower Pants 2 Piece Doll Clothes Blue Pants 2 Piece Doll Clothes Yellow Top 2 Piece Doll Clothes Flower Jeans 2 Piece Doll Clothes
- The Thrift Shop | St Andrews Dexter
The Thrift Shop at St. Andrew's United Church of Christ family apparel ●gifts ●thrifts Shop H ours Wednesdays 1 2 pm-4pm Saturdays 9am-1pm NEW EXTENDED HOURS! Click Here to Check Us O ut On Facebook! Donations ? We are thankful to accept clean, gently-used, working , clothing, household items, books/DVDs, sporting goods, tools, décor , holida y goods, puzzles /games, and other small items. Donations may be dropped off at the church whenever The Thrift Shop is open! If you need to schedule a different time to drop off, or if you are unsure whether and item can be donated, please contact the church office at 734-426-8610 Our Story Putting together multiple rummage sales each year has been an amazing way to meet people in our community. We really like it! There will still be an annual rummage sale, but putting together even one sale is a huge amount of work, and it only allows us to meet people and give them access to gently used and fairly priced items for a couple of days a year. We like to meet people all the time! Our shop will be open for two days every week and by appointment to allow people to donate items they are not using, and to connect people who would like affordable treasures year-round. It also gives us an opportunity to reach out to people who might be looking for a friendly face or a church where they may come to worship. Come and check us out! Our Store 7610 Ann Arbor St Dexter MI 48130 Our inventory changes each week, so come to see what's new!
- Contact | St Andrew's United Church of Christ -Dexter | United States
Contact Us 734-426-8610 7610 Ann Arbor Street, Dexter, MI 48130 Church Office Hours: Friday 9:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m. If you are in need of assistance, please call and leave a message. Voicemails and /or em ails are checked and answered throughout the week. Submit Thanks for submitting!
- Members | St Andrew's United Church of Christ -Dexter | United States
How Can We Help? Looking for information on Baptisims, Confirmation Classes, Christian Education, Weddings and Funerals? Please contact the church office at 734.426.8610. The Fellowship Hall is also available for meetings and life events. Please contact the church office at 734.426.8610 to learn more.
- History | St Andrew's United Church of Christ -Dexter | United States
"But there are also many other things which Jesus did; were every one of them written to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written." John 21:25 Corner stone from our original church and it translates to "German Lutheran St Andrew's Church, 1883" History The volumes of the history of Christianity which include peoples beliefs and stories in all times and all places would as the Gospel notes is a monumental task. The history or his-story of the St. Andrew's United Church of Christ, is a small grain of sand in the greater history of Christianity. However infinitesimal, it has its place in the community and in the lives of those who helped write the history. This is a thumbnail sketch of our story. St. Andrew's United Church of Christ (UCC) is proud of its long history that has deep roots and connections in the Dexter community. The church was founded in March of 1883 by German families that had settled in the Dexter area and was known as the German Evangelical Church, which combined the Evangelical and Lutheran traditions. By October of 1883, a church building was constructed on "Piety Hill," which is our current location. In 1934, the Evangelical Synod (changed from German Evangelical in 1927) merged with the Reformed Church of the United States to become the Evangelical and Reformed (E & R). In 1957, the E & R Church merged with the Congregational Church and became known as the United Church of Christ (UCC). As the congregation grew, there was a need for a larger church. In 1974, the old wood frame church building (pictured here) was sold and moved across the street and now houses the Dexter Area Museum. The lovely brick church was built on the site of the old church and opened for services in September of 1974. The roots go deep, but more important than deep roots, is a hope that looks forward and is anchored in the future. We are a deeply hope-filled people and put our money on tomorrow. As St Paul writes, "Beloved, I do not consider that I have made it on my own, but his one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the heavenly call of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14) St. Andrew’s continues to look forward to Revealing Jesus Christ in its life together as we strive to be light and salt in this dark and broken world. A non-abridged version of our history is also available. Please contact the church office at 734.426.8610.
- Rummage Sale! | St Andrews Dexter
Click Here to Connect with Our Store on Facebook!
- Upcoming Calendars and Events/St Andrew's Dexter
"This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24
- Mission and Outreach | St Andrews Dexter
Mission & Outreach Though there are other programs that St. Andrew’s supports, the following represents a few of the annually supported programs. Crop Walk Held the 1st Sunday in October and occurs in Dexter or Chelsea in alternating years. The program provides food, clean water and essential tools and resources to help those in need to be self-sustaining. To maintain social distancing and safety this year, walkers should plan on wearing masks. There will not be an official large group starting time or post group gathering this year. If you are more comfortable walking on another day, or in another place, that is fine. Maps with the designated routes are available on the Sanctuary table and attached to worship materials. Operation Christmas Child This is a program that collects shoeboxes filled with gifts and delivers them to children in need around the world, as well as within the United States. Faith in Action Dexter & Chelsea Is a community funded, faith based assistance and resource center with locations in Chelsea and Dexter, Michigan. Throughout the year we support FIA in various ways. We have monthly Food Drives. In the fall we support local students with a book bag, supplies and additional cash. During the Christmas season we collect hats, mittens and scarfs, along with hygiene products. The Thrift Shop New to St. Andrew's, the Donation-based Thrift Shop helps to raise funds for St. Andrew's various community charities by providing gently used treasures to people looking for fun finds! Piecemakers Quilters A group of local people who work hard doing all kinds of projects: making quilts for the Veteran’s Administration Hospital, Mott Children’s Hospital and Alpha House. Baby quilts are also made for families of veterans. We meet Thursdays from 9:00-11:00 am and are always looking for new people of any skill level, to join the group! For questions or to learn more, contact the Church by phone or email.
- Past Liturgies, Songs & Sermons | St Andrews Dexter
Past Liturgies, Songs & Sermons Staying home to stay safe? Out of town? Not feeling well? Click below on an individual week to view and/or print. Easter-April 12, 2020 April 19, 2020 April 26, 2020 May 3, 2020 May 10, 2020 May 17, 2020 May 24, 2020 May 31, 2020 June 7, 2020 June 14, 2020 June 21, 2020 June 28, 2020 July 5, 2020 July 12, 2020 July 19, 2020 July 26, 2020